Join co-hosts Zack and Katie as they learn about a different topic every week. Real-life couple Zack Radvansky and Kathryn Feeney are two curious individuals who love learning. Although Katie is in her third year of law school and Zack didn't go to college, they never run out of fascinating things to learn about together. In this podcast, every episode Katie challenges Zack to "become an expert" on a totally random topic - but the catch is, he only has 30 minutes to do it. Using the power of the internet, and a little humor and love, Zack and Katie want to prove that no matter who you are, or how much education you have, anyone can learn about anything in the world if they put their mind to it.

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... Rainbows! Our election coverage has ended, as has the election itself, and we were ready for a nice, easy topic. However, we didn't necessarily get one! Katie thought rainbows would be simple, straightforward, and put a smile on all of our weary faces. But when one researches them properly (as Zack always does), there's a lot of scientific explanation that goes into understanding them. Get ready for: refraction, angles, references to hours on a clock, and of course, Mr. Roy G. Biv himself! The first half of this episode is rather technical, but power through and you will be rewarded with fun anecdotes about fairies hoarding gold, leprechauns hoarding gold, and some truly hilarious beliefs Bulgarians hold about what a rainbow means (hint: they involve bear nuptials and gender-switching). So relax, listen, and look for all the rainbows out there.
Highlights include:
- Ingredients for a Rainbow: Sun behind you and water in the air
- God reassured Noah after the flood with a rainbow
- Bear Weddings!
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Nov 02, 2020
The Constitution of the United States of America
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
In today's episode, Katie has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... The Constitution of the United States of America! We've made it to the end of our election suite, for better or worse! And we figured we'd end where it all started for us Americans -- with the Constitution itself. People like to reference the Constitution a lot these days, so we figured we'd tell you what it actually says. Note: it's only 4 pages long, so if this episode sounds like a real slog to you, maybe go ahead and just read it yourself instead! But if you'd like a modern translation that cuts out the boring bits, we've got a treat for you. Now, this had a real potential to be THE most boring episode ever, so Katie tried to spice it up by quizzing Zack on his knowledge of the Bill of Rights and a rapid fire recitation of the additional amendments. It's fun! We promise! And if you hate it, there's nothing you can do about it, because this is America and we have freedom of speech!!! (thanks First Amendment!)
Highlights include:
- The Rules for running the country fit on a measly 4 pages!
- You don't have to "quarter" soldiers thanks to the Bill of Rights
- 7% of the Amendments are about alcohol!
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... Democracy! Yup, good old democracy. We're continuing our run up to the election with the American/election/government theme and learning about our nation. So we're going back to the beginning! To Ancient Greece, where it all (probably?) started. What's the difference between our current representative democracy and the direct democracy those dudes enjoyed? You gotta listen to find out, but it may or may not include a giant hat. You'll see. Basically if you want to call yourself a democracy, you have to make sure that the will of the people is recognized and acted upon by the government. And we have George Washington to thank for our precedent of peaceful transfers of power.Is that happening where you are? Great! If not, let's fight for our rights and do something about it! Democracy!
Highlights include:
- 40,000 voters gathered in a park in 500 BC
- King John gets democratic up in here, back in 1200!
- Congrats Bhutan! Earth's newest democracy
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Oct 19, 2020
The Electoral College
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
In today's episode, Katie has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... The Electoral College! Yup that's right, I said Katie because this is another flip the script episode! If you hadn't noticed, we have a bit of an election/America/government theme going on here, and it is not an accident! We have a presidential election coming up here in the US, and that only happens once every four years, so it's something to be excited about. Considering Katie was a Political Science major in college (and Zack can sometimes use a break), we let her take this one on. So, with all that being said, what the heck IS the electoral college? Short answer: an outdated system of electing our president based on concerns of the founding fathers that are no longer really relevant. Long answer? Listen to the podcast to find out! You'll learn a little about Congress - how many Senators and members of the House of Representatives does each state have and WHY? And WHAT does that have to do with the electoral college? Turns out, a whole lot. If you're planning to vote this year (and we hope you are!), it's good to know what casting your vote really means in the system that we currently have. Get informed, get active, and get voting!
Highlights include:
- How a vote in one state can be worth 3.6x another state's vote
- How the institution of slavery impacted the creation of the Electoral College
- Old timey farmers' church habits force us to vote on a Tuesday!
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Oct 12, 2020
The Declaration of Independence
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... The Declaration of Independence! The upcoming election has got us feeling patriotic and we want to know more about the foundation of our nation. So Katie made Zack learn about it! Of course, we've all learned about the Declaration of Independence at various times in our life, but do we really remember the specifics? Of course not! This episode will be a great refresher. Also, lots and lots of Hamilton talk (too much?), so if you're into that, you're in luck. Hopefully you know who wrote The Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson), but did you know that four other dudes were tasked to write it with him and totally bailed? Typical group project. Although the Declaration of Independence is a short document, it contains the ideals that our nation was built on and that are present in our Constitution as well. So learn some history! Know where we came from. And while you're at it, get out there and VOTE!
Highlights include:
- How many days did it take to write?
- How many dudes were *supposed* to write it?
- 92,000 pounds of tea chucked in the ocean!
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... Gatorade! Yup, Gatorade. That colorful sports drink that's apparently been around since the mid-70s. This was a fun one for Zack, and hopefully will be fun for the rest of you too. Sometimes you need a light topic! And you know when's a time like that? NOW. However, Gatorade isn't "light" in the sense that it's low in calories - hate to break it to you, but there's a ton of sugar in there! We really dove into some of the health issues, but kept it fun along the way. You know we love a good origin story, and Gatorade has got one of those. In fact, the University of Florida is still making millions off of the invention of Gatorade today! Also, surprise surprise, we have a scientist's wife to thank for the fact that Gatorade doesn't taste like total yuck. Thanks, Mrs. Cade! Listen in for some flavor talk, some football talk, we even have some Michael Jordan up in here! If you want our takeaway, here it is: Going for a hard run? Have a Gatorade! Sitting on the couch all day? Don't! It's that simple.
Highlights include:
- The amount of Gatorade Americans drink each year
- How we almost had "Gatoraid"
- Hot Michael Phelps Chat!
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Sep 28, 2020
The International Space Station
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... The International Space Station! After a hard week of being in the hot seat, Katie threw out a personal topic selection and boy did it pay off. The ISS is fascinating! From its football field size to the fact that it runs on solar power, it was full of adorable surprises. One of the few places on Earth (not literally) where people from different nations come together in pursuit of science. Except Russia, of course, who has their "own side." We delve into some physics, which does not go well, but other than that this episode is full of fun facts and incredible details about a really important part of modern history that may well be zooming over your head at this very moment.
Highlights include:
- How many times does the ISS circle Earth in a day?
- How far above Earth is the ISS?
- Where does the clean water come from?
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... Crayons! Wait a minute! Did we say Zack? Scratch that! Hold on to your hats, folks, because we pulled a big switch-up this week! Ahem, Katie (!) has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... Crayons! Yup, crayons. Those colorful, waxy little guys you apparently encountered over 700 times before you were ten (you'll see what we mean). And if you happened to have eaten one, no worries. They planned for that. Crayons have their origins in some pretty old art forms, and continue to be an important part of the art scene today - although now, mostly the kindergarten scene. Of course, the big guys, Crayola, factor largely in this episode, in which we learn how crayons are made and lots of fun facts about them. Another fun fact - someone suggested this topic, and Katie can't remember who. So if it was you - let us know! We want to give you a proper shoutout. Also, let us know how Katie did! Katydid! Boy has she heard that one a lot.
Highlights include:
- How many crayons does Crayola produce in a year?
- Where the word "crayon" comes from
- Hydraulic Ejection!
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Sep 14, 2020
The California Gold Rush
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... The California Gold Rush! In a real twist, Zack selected the topic this week (unbeknownst to him, apparently). But his passion for this very specific slice of time in California's history really came through. We have another fun origin story that Zack (nearly) got right in the intro before he studied. From spoons to hydraulic mining, we learned all about how gold is extracted from the earth, and how much all of the gold that's been found in California's history is worth - a sum that would make Jeff Bezos green with envy. The history of the gold rush is not without its dark spots, but overall (shoutout Levi Strauss), it is a fascinating tale of human drive and tenacity. The biggest takeaway? Be the guy who sells the shovels. You'll see what I mean.
Highlights include:
- Origin of the '49ers
- Boat Jails
- Who really found the first gold in California?
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
In today's episode, Zack has 30 minutes to become an "expert" on... Motorcycles! Full disclosure, it is Labor Day weekend, so we took the week off to enjoy a labor-free weekend for crying out loud! But we had the episode up in the old archives, waiting to be heard by the world. So we pulled it out, dusted it off, and it wasn't too bad! But you, the audience should really be the judge. Anyway, enough about all of that, how about motorcycles?!? This was a pretty wide topic to cover, so Zack tried to hit as many interesting facets as he could in the short time he had. And hit them he did! We learned about the first motorcycles and where they came from, where the most motorcycles are currently produced and sold, and the highest MPG ever achieved on a motorcycle. From World War I to India today, motorcycles are a major part of modern history.
Highlights include:
- The highest MPG ever achieved on a motorcycle
- Steam-powered two-wheeled vehicles
- The absolute coolness of James Dean and Marlon Brando
Donate to the ACLU: https://action.aclu.org/give/donate-to-aclu-multistep
Donate to the NAACP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/naacp-1
Follow on instagram @30minuteexpertpodcast and twitter @30minexpertpod
Send us your expertise at 30minuteexpertpodcast@gmail.com
And please rate and review!
Podcast artwork by Rick Radvanksy
Intro and Outro music by Jake Radvanksy